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IKO_BRep_Tool Interface

Provides methods to access geometry of BRep shapes

HRESULT IsClosed(IKO_TopoDS_Shape* shape, VARIANT_BOOL* closed)

If S is Shell, returns True if it has no free boundaries (edges). If S is Wire, returns True if it has no free ends (vertices). (Internal and External sub-shepes are ignored in these checks) If S is Edge, returns True if its vertices are the same. For other shape types returns S.Closed()

HRESULT Surface(IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, IKO_Geom_Surface** surface, IFrame** location)

Returns the geometric surface of the face. Returns in location the location for the surface.

HRESULT Surface2(IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, IKO_Geom_Surface** surface)

Returns the geometric surface of the face. It can be a copy if there is a Location

HRESULT Triangulation(IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, IFrame** location, IKO_Poly_Triangulation** retTriangulation)

Not implemented in this version

HRESULT Tolerance(IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, double* tolerance)

Returns the tolerance of the face

HRESULT NaturalRestriction(IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, VARIANT_BOOL* ret)

Returns false if the face is trimmed with its edges

HRESULT IsGeometric(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, VARIANT_BOOL* ret)

Returns True if edge is a 3d curve or a curve on surface

HRESULT Curve(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IFrame** location, double* first, double* last, IKO_Geom_Curve** retCurve)

Returns the 3D curve of the edge. May be a Null handle. Returns in location the location for the curve. In First and Last the parameter range.

HRESULT Curve2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, double* first, double* last, IKO_Geom_Curve** retCurve)

Returns the 3D curve of the edge. May be a Null handle. In First and Last the parameter range. It can be a copy if there is a Location

HRESULT Polygon3D(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IFrame** location, IKO_Poly_Polygon3D** retPolygon)

Returns the 3D polygon of the edge. May be a Null handle. Returns in location the location for the polygon

HRESULT CurveOnSurface(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, double* first, double* last, IKO_Geom2d_Curve** retCurve)

Returns the curve associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this curve does not exist. Returns in First and Last the parameter range

HRESULT CurveOnSurface2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface, IFrame* location, double* first, double* last, IKO_Geom2d_Curve** retCurve)

Returns the curve associated to the edge in the parametric space of the surface. Returns a NULL handle if this curve does not exist. Returns in First and Last the parameter range

HRESULT CurveOnSurface3(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom2d_Curve** curve, IKO_Geom_Surface** surface, IFrame** location, double* first, double* last, int index)

Returns in , surface, location the 2d curve, the surface and the location for the edge edge of rank Index. and surface are null if the index is out of range. Returns in First and Last the parameter range

HRESULT PolygonOnSurface(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, IKO_Poly_Polygon2D** retPolygon)

Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist.

HRESULT PolygonOnSurface2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface, IFrame* location, IKO_Poly_Polygon2D** retPolygon)

Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the surface. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist

HRESULT PolygonOnSurface3(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Poly_Polygon2D** curve, IKO_Geom_Surface** surface, IFrame** location)

Returns in , surface, location a 2d curve, a surface and a location for the edge edge. and surface are null if the edge has no polygon on surface

HRESULT PolygonOnSurface4(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Poly_Polygon2D** curve, IKO_Geom_Surface** surface, IFrame** location, int index)

Returns in , surface, location the 2d curve, the surface and the location for the edge edge of rank Index. and surface are null if the index is out of range

HRESULT PolygonOnTriangulation(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Poly_Triangulation* triang, IFrame* location, IKO_Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation** retPolygon)

Returns the polygon associated to the edge in the parametric space of the face. Returns a NULL handle if this polygon does not exist

HRESULT PolygonOnTriangulation2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation** polyg, IKO_Poly_Triangulation** triang, IFrame** location)

HRESULT PolygonOnTriangulation3(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation** polyg, IKO_Poly_Triangulation** triang, IFrame** location, int index)

HRESULT IsClosed2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, VARIANT_BOOL* closed)

Returns True if edge has two PCurves in the parametric space of . i.e. is on a closed surface and edge is on the closing curve

HRESULT IsClosed3(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface, IFrame* location, VARIANT_BOOL* closed)

Returns True if edge has two PCurves in the parametric space of surface. i.e. surface is a closed surface and edge is on the closing curve

HRESULT IsClosed4(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Poly_Triangulation* triangulation, IFrame* location, VARIANT_BOOL* closed)

Returns True if edge has two arrays of indices in the triangulation

HRESULT Tolerance2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, double* retTolerance)

Returns the tolerance for edge

HRESULT SameParameter(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, VARIANT_BOOL* ret)

Returns the SameParameter flag for the edge

HRESULT SameRange(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, VARIANT_BOOL* ret)

Returns the SameRange flag for the edge

HRESULT Degenerated(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, VARIANT_BOOL* ret)

Returns True if the edge is degenerated

HRESULT Range(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, double* first, double* last)

Gets the range of the 3d curve

HRESULT Range2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface, IFrame* location, double* first, double* last)

Gets the range of the edge on the pcurve on the surface

HRESULT Range3(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, double* first, double* last)

Gets the range of the edge on the pcurve on the face

HRESULT UVPoints(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface, IFrame* location, KC2D* first, KC2D* last)

Gets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge

HRESULT UVPoints2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, KC2D* first, KC2D* last)

Gets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge

HRESULT SetUVPoints(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface, IFrame* location, KC2D* first, KC2D* last)

Sets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge

HRESULT SetUVPoints2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, KC2D* first, KC2D* last)

Sets the UV locations of the extremities of the edge

HRESULT HasContinuity(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face1, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face2, VARIANT_BOOL* ret)

Returns True if the edge is on the surfaces of the two faces

HRESULT Continuity(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face1, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face2, int* GeomAbs_Shape_continuity)

Returns the continuity

HRESULT HasContinuity2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface1, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface2, IFrame* location1, IFrame* location2, VARIANT_BOOL* ret)

Returns True if the edge is on the surfaces

HRESULT Continuity2(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface1, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface2, IFrame* location1, IFrame* location2, int* GeomAbs_Shape_continuity)

Returns the continuity

HRESULT HasContinuity3(IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, VARIANT_BOOL* ret)

Returns True if the edge has regularity on some two surfaces

HRESULT Pnt(IKO_TopoDS_Vertex* vertex, DIPoint* outPoint)

Returns the 3d point

HRESULT Tolerance3(IKO_TopoDS_Vertex* vertex, double* retTolerance)

Returns the tolerance

HRESULT Parameter(IKO_TopoDS_Vertex* vertex, IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, double* retParameter)

Returns the parameter of the vertex on the edge

HRESULT Parameter2(IKO_TopoDS_Vertex* vertex, IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, double* retParameter)

Returns the parameters of the vertex on the pcurve of the edge on the face

HRESULT Parameter3(IKO_TopoDS_Vertex* vertex, IKO_TopoDS_Edge* edge, IKO_Geom_Surface* surface, IFrame* location, double* retParam)

Returns the parameters of the vertex on the pcurve of the edge on the surface

HRESULT Parameters(IKO_TopoDS_Vertex* vertex, IKO_TopoDS_Face* face, KC2D* outParams)

Returns the parameters of the vertex on the face