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Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:07 am
by Jonny
Hello dear.

Why there is no method GetParent for IEntity_DG?
In 5.2 this method was present for ISection.


Re: GetParent

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:44 am
by Prashant Kande
In DGK entities can be shared between models, so an entity can have more than one parent. But the assumption is that within a model an entity is unique. I am not sure this is enforced throughout, but I would not recommend adding the an entity to different parents within one model. It does not make sense anyway as visually and geometrically it will be the same object. A standalone (not in a model) copy of an entity can be created with IEntity_DG.Clone()

If you specify a model then yes an entity can have only one parent. To get this parent use IModel_DG.BuildChildToParentMap() ... oParentMap or similar method for IEntity_DG.

Re: GetParent

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 2:22 am
by Prashant Kande
This is how we test BuildChildToParentMap():

Code: Select all

void TestBuildChildToParentMap()
	IModel_DGPtr iModel_DG;
	model.QueryInterface(__uuidof(IModel_DG), (void**)&iModel_DG);
	IMapUnkn_DGPtr map;

	// Get flat array of all independently of child/parent 
	IEntityArray_DGPtr entities;
	iModel_DG->GetEntityArray(VARIANT_TRUE, &entities);

	int n = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		IEntity_DGPtr iEntity;
		entities->GetAt(i, &iEntity);

		IObject_DG* iObject = nullptr;
		iEntity->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IObject_DG), (void**)&iObject);

		__int64 hash = 0;

		int nChildren = 0;

		for (int k = 0; k < nChildren; k++)
			IEntity_DGPtr iEntityChild;
			iEntity->GetChildAt(k, &iEntityChild);

			IUnknown* iResult = nullptr;
			map->GetAt(iEntityChild, &iResult);

			IEntity_DGPtr iEntityResult;
			iResult->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IEntity_DG), (void**)&iEntityResult);

			Entity* pEntInv = nullptr;
			iEntityResult->QueryInterface(IID_IInverse, (void**)&pEntInv);

			IObject_DG* iObjectChild = nullptr;
			iEntityResult->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IObject_DG), (void**)&iObjectChild);

			iObjectChild->IsSameInstance(iObject, &same);
			assert(same == VARIANT_TRUE);

			// Hash must be the same also (testing hash):
			__int64 hashChild = 0;
			assert(hashChild == hash);

			RELEASE(iObjectChild); RELEASE(iEntityResult);	RELEASE(iEntityChild);

		RELEASE(iObject); RELEASE(iEntity);
	RELEASE(entities);	RELEASE(map);