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How to create Face from edges?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:07 am
by Gin Chun
A compound that only contain edges from intersection operation which one big box contain small box,
the compound only contains 12 edges, is there anyway to create faces from the compound?
thanks very much

Re: How to create Face from edges?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 12:24 am
by Prashant Kande
Hi Gin
I assume the edges come from another software? Also, boxes have non-trivial intersection, otherwise no point talking about two boxes. So I guess you are asking how to build a solid out of set of edges, knowing the faces are planar.

First, I suggest extracting list of the edges using
iCompound >(query) IBRepShape_DG > GetSubShapes(ShapeType_DG.eShTypeEdgeDG)

You need to assume the edges do not share vertices. So you would need to code a small method which checks if two edges are connected geometrically up to a tolerance.
IBRepEdge_DG > GetEndVertex() > GetPosition1() > Point_DG > PointDg > Dist()
The last two steps here use the C# client side wrapper. See any C# sample.

For every two connected edges you can get a containing plane:

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IObjectGenerator_DG m_iGener;
IPlane_DG iPlane = m_iGener.Create("Plane_DG") as IPlane_DG;
iPlane.Init(point0, point1, point2);
See also FaceForm.CreatePlane() in Face sample. The points here are ends of the edges.

You can extend the pair by searching for connected edges which lie in the plane. Check an edge belongs to the plane can be done with
IPlane_DG.GetPointLocation() for each edge end.

This way you can build wires for every face. Or rather sequences of geometrically connected edges (loops). The process of extending should stop when a loop becomes closed. Otherwise the input is invalid.

When this is done you can build a solid from scratch using sequences of points from each loop. The edges cannot be reused as they do not share vertices.

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IBRepSolid_DG iSolid = m_iGener.Create("BRepSolid_DG") as IBRepSolid_DG;

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IEntity_DG iEntity = IModel_DG.AddNewBRepSolid();
IBRepGeometry_DG iBRepGeom = iEntity.GetGeometry() as IBRepGeometry_DG;
IBRepSolid_DG iSolid = iBRepGeom.GetShape() as IBRepSolid_DG;

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IBRepShell_DG iShell = iSolid.GetOuterShell(true);		// Create
// For each loop
I2DPointArray_DG uvLoop;
// Add points to the loop
IBRepFace_DG iFace = iShell.AddNewFace();
iFace.AddWire1(I2DPointArray_DG uvLoop)
Good luck